Comprehension - Read and Understand Intervention
Repeated Reading Intervention
Folding-In Intervention
Phonics in Motion is a program that puts a motion with the sounds of each letter. This motion helps your child to remember the sounds of the letters which will help with reading and writing. This is an easy and fun way for you to help at home with your kindergartner. The following chart is when the sounds are or will be introduced to your child this year. Each letter is a link that will take you to a video for you and your child to watch and then practice the sound and motion together. Please work on the letters starting in September. Once your child can independently do the sound and actions then move to the next month. You will notice that some sounds are repeated in different months. Please ask your child's teacher for the password to access the videos. Use the attached form to mark the letter down when you see your child do the sound and motion independently. Your child can take a picture and upload it to Seesaw each month so the teacher can praise your child.