This is an email from Mentor Public Schools
Annual Update 2025-2026
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As a district, we are continuing to use technology to streamline the amount of paperwork that has to be filled out by parents each year. We continue to make great strides towards that goal by using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete an Annual Update. Through the Annual Update, parents and guardians will be able to enter Emergency Medical Authorization, update emergency contacts, access/view the ESEA document and Forms from the Nurse, and sign off on the Technology Agreements, among other topics. The Parent Portal can also be accessed to make Fee Payments. The Annual Update for 2025-2026 will be available beginning March 1. 2025.
It is REQUIRED that parents or guardians complete the Annual Update each year, and it is also required in order for students to attend field trips. The Parent Portal can be accessed through the Mentor Schools website or by using this link: https://mentoroh.
Internet access is also available at the Mentor Public Library.
After logging into the Parent Portal, click on More in the lower left corner, scroll down to choose Annual and Household Updates, then Annual Update / Address Change (required) to view and update your Household and emergency contact information. This should only take a few minutes for each student. Links to Health Forms and other required school documents are available to view or print within the Update. The documents can also be accessed through our Mentor Schools website.
High School students can sign up for Cardinal Go! through the Annual Update. Cardinal Go is an innovative partnership that will allow Mentor High School students, grades 9-12, (with parent/guardian permission) to ride Laketran's Local Route 1-9 free of charge wherever they are traveling - be it to campus, internships, activities, local resources, or after school jobs.
Parent Portal Link - https://mentoroh.
Thank you for your attention to this important information! If you have any questions about your Parent Portal account or the Annual Update, please call your child's school or the Helpdesk at 440-974-5274.
Computers are accessible at the Board Office, by appointment only, and at Mentor Public Library.
Here is a link to additional information.
Thank you!
Annual Update Instructions
Follow these steps to complete your Annual Update for Mentor Schools:
1. Access the Parent Portal
- Go to
- Hover over Parents at the top of the page and click Parent Portal.
- Log in to the portal.
- If you need login assistance, call 440-974-5274 or email [email protected].
2. Start the Annual Update
- Once logged in, click More at the bottom of the page.
- Select Annual and Household Updates.
- Click Annual Update / Address Change, then select Start and Next.
3. Review and Update Information
- Confirm your information.
- Type your name in the designated box, click the signature icon, and select Continue.
- Click Submit.
4. Update Personal and Student Information
- Review each prompt carefully and update or add necessary information.
- Click Save/Continue to save your progress (your data will be saved if you need to return later).
- Highlighted yellow fields: Click and update these as needed. Select Next until you see the prompt to Save/Continue.
- Emergency Contacts: Ensure they are up to date and click Save/Continue.
- Student Information: Complete/update all required (*) fields.
5. Health Services Section
- Continue clicking Next, updating or adding health information as needed.
- Click Save/Continue after completing the section for each enrolled child.
- Medical forms for the school can be found in this section.
6. Finalize and Submit
- Add your digital signature at the very end of this application and click “Submit”.
- You have the option to print your registration on this page.
- You will receive a confirmation email shortly after submission.
IMPORTANT: Household Address Changes
If you are changing your household address, you must provide TWO Proofs of Residency:
- Primary Proof – One of the following:
- Mortgage bill, tax bill, or purchase agreement
- Current signed rental/lease agreement (must include start and end dates and list all occupants)
- Secondary Proof – One of the following:
- Current electric or gas bill showing your name and address
(Driver’s licenses, water bills, sewer bills, telephone/cell bills, and cable bills are NOT accepted.)
Submitting Proof of Residency:
- Documents can be uploaded through the Annual Update
- Or, they can be brought to Student Services at the Board Office.
Residency Affidavit: Click here to download the residency affidavit form
- If you are living with another family in the Mentor School District, a Residency Affidavit is required.
- The homeowner must complete the top portion, and the parent/guardian must complete the center section.
- The form must be notarized, with both parties signing in the presence of a notary.
- The homeowner must also provide proof of residency (electric or gas bill AND mortgage bill, tax bill, purchase agreement, OR signed lease agreement).
Need Help?
For assistance, contact:
📞 440-974-5274 (Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
📧 [email protected]